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18 tips making money online with affiliate marketing

1. Inline text links to products and specific pages
Make it easier for your readers of HTML emails and blogs click directly to your affiliate offers.
2. Landing pages for different audiences
Target your affiliate landing pages as much as possible.
3. Banners and graphics
Use a variety of sizes for your best-converting affiliate offers. Also, help your readers by updating the graphics seasonally or for specific promotions automatically.
4. Short text ads
Provide short text blurbs in email and blog content.
5. PPC (Pay Per Click) ads
Leverage Google AdWords, Facebook ads and Facebook mobile ads as well as other mobile ads networks like AdMob.
6. Long text or e-Mail solo ads
Direct response emails create some of the best sales and opt-in conversion rates. Sending emails to your lists and consider doing solo emails via SafeSwap.
7. Twitter tweets
Everyone’s tweeting these days. Give a little blurb promotion (up to 140 characters, with spaces). Remember to leave room for your affiliate link too.
Hint: use the headline from the sales letter.
8. Articles
Targeted articles that include your product as part of the solution to a problem can be effective for sales.
9. Blog posts
Along the same lines as an article, a blog post can be a bit more personal and friendly in nature.
10. Special reports
Take content a bit further and create short special reports that you give away free. Brand your document with affiliate link.
11. Product reviews
Create product reviews with product specifications, quotes from customers and more.
12. Interviews
Interview the product owner/creator. Get the owner of the product to provide useful content and answers to the common questions about the product.
13. Videos
Create a variety of types of videos from interviews, to instructional, screen capture videos and product walkthroughs.
14. Audio recordings
Whether it’s an interview or content-rich recordings, create audios and give them away free.
15. Live teleseminars or webinars
Schedule content-rich events that promote your affiliate products.
16. Free samples and trials
Let potential buyers experience and taste the product before buying. Free samples and trials tend to always be winners.
17. Coupons
Coupon codes are a great way to draw in new customers. Get promo codes from the product owner.
18. Seasonal content and promotions
Keep up with holidays and what is happening year-round. Offer timely content and promotions on a regular basis.