13.14 Adding Your Business Info

Last update Aug 1, 2022

So the business information is the last field to complete here on the profile. As you can see here, this page is already assigned. You can browse the categories here. In my case, this would be a bakery, so you have books & magazines, products, companies, events, music, people, television, and blogs. If you’re like one of these, like local businesses, you’ll have a subcategory where you can have a more specific option, like bar, airport, bookstore, business service, college, doctor, and all these options. Specify the one that best suits your business. 

Now follow these steps to fill out your business information:

  1. Click on the "contact" option at the bottom of the page. This is critical since it allows you to set up your account's "Contact Us" button, which visitors will see when they visit your profile.
  2. Also, Instagram wants to log you in with your Facebook account details. So here is the bakery's phone number and email address. If you run a local business, you'll need to include your email, phone number, and address. If you don't want to include your address, that's also fine.
  3. When you're done, press the "Done" button.

At the bottom of the page, you can see the address, email, and phone number. If you run a local business, you can add your address and have customers click on "Direction" to view a map on their phone and see how to get to your location.

Also, they can click on “Email”, and the system will automatically open an email window where they can type the message and send it to you, or they can click on "Call," and this’ll pop up a window asking for the call. So if they click "Call," it’ll immediately start calling your business number.

So, now that we've set up all of these resources, you may access your account. In addition to a fantastic logo and name, we also provide a bio that speaks to your target audience, conveys your message, and describes your products and services. Our information includes your website's URL, address, and calls to action.

So now, we’re finished ramping up your profile. Are you ready to take on your amazing Instagram journey? Keep tuned for more lessons from ACCESSTRADE ACADEMY!